Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009

Gabriel (Gabe) is doing very well. He's getting over a minor cold. At 5 months old, he is rolling over both ways and has been since 3 months and 1 week old. He has also been chewing and slobbering since 3 months. I keep thinking some teeth are going to pop through at anytime, but nothing yet. He puts everything in his mouth that he can grab and he will grab anything near him. He is trying so hard to sit up. At the last doctor appointment he weighed 16 lbs and was 26 inches long. He is now eating cereal with a spoon and sometimes we will incorporate applesauce or bananas. He's still trying to get the hang of eating with a spoon. LOL (It's a messy job) He loves his big brother Isaac and won't take his eyes off him, if he's in the room.

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